Ann Marie S.

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About Ann Marie S.

My name is Ann Marie and I’m writing about my father who passed away from Prostate cancer when he was 50 and I was 14. It was a terrible time for my mom and my 4 siblings but there was one positive thing that came out of the whole experience. It was the hope and support from everyone involved, from my own family members to the nurses and doctors. My family band together to figure out how to balance the life of driving my dad to chemo and surgeries 2 hours away and trying to maintain a somewhat normal life. Through this process, we had become so close and began to truly realize that family is the most important thing in the world. All the nurses, to the ones at University of Michigan to the hospice nurses that taught us how to take care for him towards the end, inspired me with their kindness and generosity. They effected me so much that 8 years later I’m now a registered nurse on an Oncology floor, helping care for those fighting prostate and other kinds cancers.

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