Barry M.

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About Barry M.

Never realizing or even thinking of me getting prostate cancer it happened. I am 72 years old and this terrible disease hit me about Nov. Of 2016 . So many changes in your life happen quickly. My wife Ann is my caregiver 24/7. She works harder than ever. Doing her everyday normal routines and even taking care of me. She is very concerned for me making sure I follow my research teams orders to a T.  She gave up a lot and I cannot thank her enough for being by my side during both good and bad times.

Ann takes me to almost all my appts which are many and over an hour and 15 minutes away. This is because I selected a cancer center that specializes in prostate cancer. Fox Chase in Philadelphia Pa. I am on a clinical trial the last year or so.

Been in and out of hospitals several times and she always is there for me. Taking me there and listening to what the Doctors have analyzed to keep up with my health. My situation is not one of the normal, My cancer has spread very violently to many different locations in my bones including ribs, spinal column, left hip and more. This is quite intense and she deals with it everyday making sure i am as comfortable as possible.

Sad part is we used to travel a lot, enjoy doing things together, and now all these things are taken away from her. It is not fair to her but she stands with taking care of me.

I am hoping for a breakthrough so I can become that person I used to be. Most of all have a chance to do things together again like travel and more.

I do want to express from the bottom of my heart… All caregivers are angels. They cannot be thanked enough for what they deal with.

What would we do without them? Thank you to all of you CAREGIVERS

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