Bill S.

Bill S.
About Bill S.

Caregiver to the Caregiver I am my wife’s caregiver. Derri has stage four heart failure. But sometimes she must be my caregiver. I have early-stage prostate cancer and, when I have my periodic biopsy, she must be my driver. It isn’t that the driving that is so hard for her. It is navigating our back steps to get to and from the car. She is so out of breath that she must rest awhile on the landing halfway down. And going up is a huge challenge. But my first biopsy since Derri’s condition worsened came over the holidays. I said I could take a taxi, even though we live far from the hospital. But she would not hear of it. She insisted she drive, and I got the ride I needed.

We met 50 years ago, married 48 years ago. As those who know her attest that Derri is always there to help when she possibly can. She has never failed me, and it makes me want to be the man who never fails her in the time we have left.

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