Cynthia H.

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About Cynthia H.

My husband had a biopsy approximately 3 years ago. All 12 of the specimens taken were cancerous. He subsequently underwent a prostatectomy and then radiation. Surgeon said the cancer was not contained within the prostate, that it had spread. His PSA continues to climb. BCBS has denied him twice for a PET scan. I try to do my best to be there for him, but honestly he’s so hateful towards me, he refuses to get any type of counseling. He makes me cry everyday. I try to be there for him, but when someone treats like poop, it’s very hard. Im trying to be the best caregiver there is, but I feel that I truly failed. I pray everyday that he will get better even thou he treats me like crap and makes me cry almost everyday because of the way he feels and treats me.

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