David W.

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About David W.

Well, it’s simple really. We were high school sweethearts, and she lived right around the corner. We were young and stupid and broke up. I spent 13 years writing songs about her, she wondered if I was looking at the full moon when she was. Both of us recently divorced and I happen to be on the same coast as her. One kiss later and we have been making each other happy now for 16 years. We are doubly blessed to have made our miracle baby, she was told she couldn’t. My wife was diagnosed with MS after becoming partially paralyzed in 95. She has regained her strength and mobility and was working and controlling it with meds and therapy until we had our daughter, when she started to have more symptoms and eventually a major flare up that got her out on disability. Since then, up until last June, (3 years) I have been the caregiver. I worked 4 days a week, started late, got home in time to clean up, and would have 3 days to catch up on chores. It was OK. Another thing to be noted is that despite battling back from relapses and doing pretty good, she is and has been suffering from urticaria. Sometimes they are in her throat and on her lips and tongue and we keep the epi pen close. Then about a year ago I couldn’t ignore my painful urination, I was up all night trying to pee. Since I don’t go to doctors and don’t get sick I waited 6 months before getting a biopsy.  9 months ago I did and It’s stage 4 gleason 9 and I’m on SSD.  She is trying to be my caregiver now and I won’t let her. I’m afraid of treatment making me sicker and am using diet and herbs. Some people are calling me stupid but I have a problem with doctors and drug companies and have studied herbs all my life. I’m on ADT, 2 months into my second shot of luporn and my doctor says I’m hormone resistant as my psa is up to 64. just had bone scans and they are not clear, but the CT was cleared up from the lymph involvement. I need a second opinion from my ortho before I decide if it is worth doing more severe drugs like chemo or provenge. That’s my caregivers story. I need her to tell me what to do. To tell me when I’m being stupid or smart.  I am so afraid of leaving her alone. That’s why I’m not rushing into anything.

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