James D.

James D.
About James D.

My father was diagnosed with stage 4 metastasize Prostate Cancer in June of 2014. He was not expected to beat it; my mother, on the other hand, had other ideas. She believed if she prayed enough, and loved him enough his cancer would go away.
All throughout my life I’ve witnessed their love. Their love was real and powerful, and I grew up believing their was nothing their love couldn’t do. It wasn’t until my father stopped responding to treatments that I knew my mother’s love wasn’t enough, that all the love in the world wasn’t going to keep my father alive.
It wasn’t fair. My mother had driven my father hours to his doctors appointments, sometimes four times a week. She spent so much of her time researching home remedies, or looking into experimental studies. She was up with him, somtimes all night, not wanting him to experience the pain alone. She would cook numerous meals, trying to appease his declining appetite. She would drive him around town, or push him in his wheelchair so he could get a change of scenery. She would play pinochle with him for hours, or help him put together a puzzle. She would overlook her own health to prioritize his own. She would love him.
My father passed away on November 11, 2016. I lost my dad, and she lost her soul mate.
My mother loved and cared for my father perfectly. She is the most selfless, giving, hard-working woman I have ever met, and I know my father would agree.

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