Keith K

Keith K
About Keith K

My father is my best friend. I am his only child, only daughter, and he is my best friend. We always joke that my mother was a single mom raising two kids. Colleagues and friends of ours hope that they too can have the same relationship with their daughter as we do. To say it’s special is an understatement, as I am unsure how I would do life without him. He has set the bar so high on any man I am to marry.

Two years ago he was diagnosed after being forced to go to the doctor (after not seeing one for 20+ years) due to what turned out to be an enlarged prostate cutting off his ability to urinate. He told no one. Men… He doesn’t like to feel week or out of control, which I get from him. My mother is terrible with doctors and hospitals and cries any chance the word cancer comes around, so I get why he wasn’t telling us in the beginning. It took me taking him to the ER, listening to all the doctors, spending nights with him in the hospital for my dad to realize, I could handle anything, especially having to do with him. Putting on a brave face for him was 100% the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but when you have to, it’s a no brainer. I love my dad and every night in the hospital, doctor visit, picking up meds, cooking him food, was all in love. We’ve always been two peas in a pod and while it was tough to see him suffer so much, the doctors and nurses came through and he is clear for now. While my story is more about the love I have for my father, what the nurses and doctors deal with on a daily basis is outstanding. My good deed to my father is nothing in comparison to these amazing people who are there 24/7 through thick and thin.

So thank YOU to all the real heroes in the caregivers, nurses and doctors. My dad is alive and prostate cancer free because of you.

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