Linda S.

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About Linda S.

As a, spouse of a cancer patient, when the Doctor, says that he would like to have a biopsy done because of the high PSA, you, hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Sure enough it was the worst. But even then we, didn’t panic. The only thing that we were having trouble with was our options for treatment. I, suggested that my husband speak with a friend who also was his coworker, who was also diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. He chose to have the Prostate removed and he had a device implanted that allowed him to continue to enjoy his life and to maintain a positive relationship with his wife. He, was happy with his decision and so was his wife. I, know what I, would have chosen, however, I, was willing to accept his choice. I, prayed and asked GOD, to give me the strength to do what was right. Right was honoring my Wedding Vows, I, made in the presence of my family, friends and most importantly My GOD. I, have been trying to make sure that we remain as normal as possible. I, miss his touch and will always be faithful to him and my Vows. I, have my moments of crying and being depressed. I, even get angry when he is not showing appreciation for the blessing of the ability to walk, after the cancer spread to his bones, he was told he may never walk again GOD, said get up and walk and he did. He, was Blessed by GOD. I, sometimes feel like he, prefer that I, treat him as a disabled person and accept that he has limited ability. I, will never ever be a spouse that will treat my husband as a disabled person who has limits to what he can do. I, treat him as a husband who has no limits. Yes he sometimes says I, and don’t care about him and that I, don’t want to take time with him. I, will definitely be there for him and I will make sure he has the best life most of all I, will continue to treat him like the man I, married and never walk away from him even when he turned on me. I, have remained the WIFE AND SUPPORT SYSTEM AND PROTECTOR OF HIS NEEDS.

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