Linnea F

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About Linnea F

When my husband turned 50, my daughter said, “Dad why don’t you get a check up? It has been a while since you had one.” My husband does not like going to the doctor. He gave in and got a check up. In April 2010, it was said that he had prostate cancer. Well we checked out everything that had to do with the cancer and he got his prostate removed. He was told he was cancer free. Well that wasn’t to be. Some cells must have gotten out because he was still getting a PSA count. He had provenge treatment, radiation, and now, his new med that is working really well. Thanks to Dr. Thorgaard and Dr. Bahamadi of Bliss Cancer Cancer Center! My husband is doing good for going on 10 years with this. He is strong man and never had any problems with all the treatments.
We thank our daughter for telling her dad to man up and get checked out. I say this very strongly to all Men out there: MAN UP AND GET CHECKED OUT. Linnea Fitzsimmons


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