Mary P.

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About Mary P.

When I was newly married and just 24 and pregnant I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. I carried my son to full term and had a hysterectomy after he was born. My spouse and I were just grateful for 2 healthy sons and prayed the cancer would not return while we raised them. Throughout this ordeal my husband was wonderful he took care of me, a home, our children and worked. I don’t know what I would have done without him. Fast forward 25 years our sons are grown my husband worked a lot of hours but had a lot of energy for a 48 year old man. However, he kept complaining how tired he was all the time and I finally made him an appointment with our family doctor, Dr. William Johns, who could find nothing wrong with him. But decided to run a PSA test and told my husband humor me and just have this test. My stubborn husband brought the slip home put it on the bookcase for a month until I started saying listen if I would not have been pregnant for our son they may have found my cancer too late, early detection is the key!!! He went and had the blood test and it came back abnormal. We made an appointment with a local urologist, Dr. Allayah (sp?) and he did a sampling of the prostate finding 6 tumors. When he found the tumors he said listen I am going through the same thing so I am going to recommend you to my Urologist Dr. Klein at the Cleveland Clinic. My husband went to the appointment elected to have the surgery. That was 17 years ago and he is healthy and so glad he went for that blood test. We are now raising our grandson through the grace of God who put these wonderful people in our lives and of course, he put us together to take care of one another. We are both cancer survivors at fairly young ages and cannot say enough about early detection. We are so grateful everyday for the time we have with our children, grandchildren, family and friends.

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