Melissa A.

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About Melissa A.

We just celebrated 5 years since my husband’s prostate cancer diagnoses, and since he underwent surgery to remove it. They got the cancer, it was caught early, but he’ll never be the same again. We know this.

My husband was already a disabled Veteran, but to add a cancer diagnosis to the existing conditions was more than we could take. It almost broke us, and we still deal with the long-term impacts of his surgery. It was complicated, and he was under for something like 8 hours. It was grueling, and the recovery, which is still on-going, has been a process. I have been my husband’s see caregiver since we met. His VA hospital is 2 hours away in Charleston, SC, while we live in Pembroke, GA. I’ve been the one caring for him. I’ve done everything for both how physical and emotional health since then. The VA never offered any additional help.

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