Ronald R

Ronald R
About Ronald R

It was in the fall of 2016 when my primary care Doctor and I noticed that my PSA blood results were steadily going up. My Doctor recommended a visit to the Urologist. The results from my January of 2017 biopsy came back with 3 of 12 samples positive with cancer. Prior to this period of time in my life I had been divorced for a few years and had been dating around. I was supposed to be going on a first date with Nancy but stalled the initial date until I knew more about my Prostate Cancer. Nancy and I finally met and we have been together since February of 2017. I waited to tell Nancy about my cancer a few months later. Nancy has been my friend, my supporter, my caregiver from the beginning. Nancy and I are now married. My PSA continued to go up. The results from my August of 2017 biopsy came back positive with 4 of 12 samples positive with cancer and the percentage almost tripled. Nancy is an Interior Designer and I am an Engineer, Nancy believes in natural nutrition over medicine and I believe in technology as well as good nutrition. My radioactive pellets were implanted on December 1, 2017. My PSA levels had gone down up until the summer of 2019 and as of January of 2020 my PSA is now at its highest level ever. Nancy continues to remain positive and make my nutritional shakes for me daily. I am mostly a private person, but this story is for Nancy.


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