Savanna S.

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About Savanna S.

My father Carl Bennett, passed away from cancer on January 9th, 2016. He was everything, he was our rock, more than anything he was my mother’s only true love. My Mother Cynthia Bennett is truly a blessing. She stood beside my father taking care of his every need. The last 6 months were the worst, you could see it physically draining my father yet my mother never batted an eye she was there changing, feeding, bathing him and being his support. She became the strong one and even when time was fading she called our family together and we stayed two nights being there watching their love for each other. My daddy never asked for help, yet he never had too my mother was always there and always the one the one he asked. In his finally moment Amazing Grace was song, with all of us together he started fading away. His last words were I love you to my Mother. After he passed everything has changed, it seems greed to descent relatives, my mother is grieving still and she misses him everyday all-day. I think mother needs to be honored, and she so important and loved.

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