Stephen B.

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About Stephen B.

I had thyroid cancer which resulted in a total thyroidectomy and radioactive iodine therapy. Three months later it was found in my lymph nodes and I had a radical lymphadenectomy in my neck. While recovering from all of this I was diagnosed with prostate cancer less than 6 months later. I had a robotic prostatectomy and fairly aggressive prostate cancer. I was hospitalized again after a few days with severe infection. My wife Debby cared for me during all of this over a very short period of time. She took care of everything I needed while working, doing all the work around the house, handling two sons in college and the worries that come with mounting medical bills and significantly reduced income as I was unable to work much. Looking back I am amazed at what my wife did. She kept all of our lives together. She is an angel.

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