Tyler A.

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About Tyler A.

1 year ago my mom has a massive stroke in the middle of the night. While my Dad ran to the front door he slipped and fell. For weeks in the hospital with my mom, my dad’s leg hurt. So bad he was in a wheelchair at times. For months he went to doctor trying to determine the cause of leg pain. He tried traditional medication, physical therapy and acupuncture. Nothing helped. After 4 months he ended in urgent care one weekend because of the pain. There the physician ordered an MRI. This is how we would come to find out my father had prostate cancer that had spread to his femur. He had pain around his prostate for almost a year but was told it was because he was riding his bike to much. This news hit our family hard. My mom was and still is in recovery from her stroke. My dad was looking at a bleak future. The undiagnosed cancer spread to his bones and lymph nodes. He is currently undergoing multimedia treatments.

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