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Young Investigator Award Recipients—Class of 2008 (The Inaugural Class)

The PCF's Young Investigator awards are inspired by Donald S. Coffey, PhD, prostate cancer research director at Johns Hopkins for 40 years. He has mentored more than 50 scientists and physician-scientists and trained more than 30 of today's leading prostate cancer researchers. These awards provide career and project support for. Read More

Challenge Awards-Class of 2008

Translational research experts rigorously reviewed a wealth of proposals so PCF could provide Challenge Award funds to the top nine teams in less than 100 days. The Challenge Awards-Class of 2008, selected in nine categories of scientific investigation, are:   1. Progression Biomarkers Lead Investigator: Dr. Daniel Haber, Massachusetts General Hospital Project. Read More


Ali Torre

When legendary New York Yankees manager Joe Torre was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1999, there was an outpouring of sympathy and support from his fans, players and friends. But it was his wife Ali who was by his side through it all. “It really is a journey together, with. Read More


The Jones Family Legacy

One of the greatest risk factors for prostate cancer is family history—whether it is a father, grandfather, uncle, son or brother with the disease, the likelihood if facing with a diagnosis doubles. This risk is further increased if the cancer was diagnosed in a family member at a younger age,. Read More


Dana Jennings

For nearly 30 years, Dana Jennings, an editor for The New York Times, has written articles that recount the lives and events of people--occasionally during their time of crisis. His aim has been to inform the public about the world that surrounds them. However, when Dana was diagnosed with prostate. Read More