Immunotherapy: A Vaccine for Prostate Cancer In this three part series, we examine the latest advances in immunotherapy, one of the most promising strategies in cutting edge cancer research, and it's affects on prostate...Read More
PCF study finds that adding a 22-gene test to standard prostate cancer risk groups improves accuracy of patient prognosis
A PCF study presented at the 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ACSO) Annual Meeting found that using a 22-gene test along with standard prostate cancer risk group features vastly...Read More
Cancer patients who self-report symptoms to their doctors on a weekly basis live five months longer
A provocative study at the 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ACSO) Annual Meeting reported that metastatic cancer patients who self-reported their symptoms to their doctors on a weekly basis...Read More
Abiraterone and Enzalutamide equivalent as first-line therapy in metastatic hormone therapy- resistant prostate cancer
A clinical trial reported on at the 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ACSO) Annual Meeting found that men who develop metastatic hormone therapy-resistant prostate cancer (mHRPC) have similar outcomes...Read More
Your Best Weapon Against Metastatic Prostate Cancer May Be a Genetic Counselor
Mark Meerschaert is alive today because of a genetic counselor, a medical oncologist in Seattle named Heather Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. (You can read more about Mark’s story here.) Less than...Read More
FDA approves first precision medicine for the treatment of cancers with certain genetic defects, including prostate cancer
On May 23, 2017, the field of precision medicine achieved a major milestone with the FDA’s first ever approval of a cancer therapy based entirely on a tumor’s unique characteristics...Read More
Prostate cancer cells that commit identify fraud
A new study reported at the 2017 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting identified new mechanisms and treatment approach for an aggressive subtype of AR-therapy resistant prostate cancer....Read More
Why has checkpoint immunotherapy been ineffective in treating prostate cancer?
Checkpoint immunotherapy, the relatively new type of cancer treatment making headlines for being able to seemingly cure some patients with melanoma and other cancers, has been notoriously ineffective in prostate...Read More