Mark Pomerantz

About Mark Pomerantz
Dr. Pomerantz earned a BS degree in American Studies from Yale University and an MD degree from Stanford University. He completed Medical Oncology Fellowship at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and is currently an Instructor in Medical Oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
During the past two years, genomic scans have identified the genetic basis of prostate cancer risk. In his project, Dr. Pomerantz will perform research to determine the molecular basis of increased prostate cancer risk in individuals that possess the genomic alterations. Understanding these mechanisms of risk may lead to new targets to inhibit the progression of prostate cancer.
Philip Kantoff, MD an expert translational and clinical prostate cancer researcher and leader of the NCI’s prostate cancer Special Programs of Research Excellence (SPORE) at Harvard, and Matthew Freedman, MD, an experienced genomics researcher, will co-mentor Dr. Pomerantz.
The 2008 William L. Edwards – PCF Young Investigator Award (first and second year)
The 2008 David Epstein – PCF Young Investigator Award (third year)
Mark Pomerantz, MD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute – Boston, MA