Never in our collective history has it been more important that we take care of each other.
That’s why this year we are opening up TRUE caregiver story submissions to everyone: prostate cancer caregivers, cancer caregivers, COVID caregivers (essential workers included!) – really, anyone who has touched your life with their generosity of spirit in these challenging times.
This Valentine’s season let’s give back some love.
Tell us your TRUE caregiver story
Caregivers are the anchor on the ship: they are the ones who drive us to appointments, shop for the few foods we’re willing to eat, administer our treatments, or just smile at us when we feel mad at the world. PCF ambassador Kristen Bell shares her personal story with caregiving below.
Has someone tirelessly cared for you? Are you a nurse on double shifts? Did someone unexpected go above and beyond with love and care? Whether you are a caregiver, or you are honoring a special person who has supported you, we want to hear your story. Top stories will be featured on, and two caregivers will receive a special care package, selected by PCF Ambassador and award-winning actress, Kristen Bell!

“For five years, I have had the distinct honor of being a part of the Prostate Cancer Foundation’s TRUE Love contest. The comfort, personal care and emotional support that dedicated caregivers provide is inspiring and truly heroic, especially during the pandemic. It is important to show how much we value and appreciate the significant impact caregivers tirelessly provide to patients.”
– Kristen Bell
About the TRUE campaign
TRUE celebrates and honors caregivers of prostate cancer patients — spouses, partners, nurses, doctors, siblings, children, friends. In the U.S. every 2 minutes a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer and there are currently more than 3 million men living with the disease. The most fortunate among us often have someone who has made a special commitment or gone the extra mile towards supporting them through the battle. That support can make all the difference in the world to someone with a cancer diagnosis. From finding the right treatment, to recovery or palliative care, compassionate care is a key factor in all aspects of care.
Award-winning actress Kristen Bell is helping to get the word out about the TRUE campaign and she’s also curating a special gift package for the winner of the most inspirational caregiver story submitted to the campaign. Supporting TRUE is a personal cause for Bell. Her mother is a nurse and her father-in-law has recently passed away from prostate cancer, so she understands the importance and invaluable contribution that caregivers provide, making them an essential part of the cancer care support system.