Michelle B

About Michelle B
Met my husband when I was engaged to someone else. Called off my wedding, he got divorced, we flew off to Cancun, and got married two years later. Three kids and a wonderful life! My wonderful husband was diagnosed in December 2015 with PC. He had robotic surgery in March 2016 with clear margins! Our married lives will never be the same, as intimacy is difficult… sometimes impossible. We both went through such feelings of regret, longing, sadness, anger…. all of them. He actually regretted getting surgery as it took a significant toll on our sexual relationship. I am so happy he is here with me, and is still my loving husband of 26 years. We make time to hug every day, and always say I love you. It can be enough-it has to be enough. He is my person. For better for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness or in health forsaking all others, till death do us part. I meant it.
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