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A Convenient Resource to Help You Meet Nutrition Goals

Whether you’re a prostate cancer survivor, supporting someone who is, or just want to help prevent any number of chronic diseases, nutrition plays a key role. For example, for people diagnosed with prostate cancer, research shows that certain dietary factors can reduce the risk of developing advanced, lethal prostate cancer in the future. These include choosing plant-based foods (including cruciferous veggies and tomatoes) and healthy fats (like olive oil), and avoiding whole milk, red meat, and processed meat. Hormone therapy as part of the treatment for prostate cancer can have side effects, including weight gain and bone loss, and proper nutrition can also support patients during this time.

Beyond prostate cancer, many people aspire to “eat healthy,” but have questions about what that means for them. What if you have health conditions in addition to prostate cancer, and a family member has entirely different health needs? Do you have specific food allergies or intolerances, or prefer to follow a certain eating pattern? Low-fat, low-carb, paleo, keto, Mediterranean, plant-based… the amount of information and number of options can be overwhelming and confusing. It can feel like the recommendations are constantly changing, and you’re not sure which advice to follow.

Even if you’ve got a pretty good idea of how you want to eat, recommendations don’t exist in a vacuum. Somehow, you have to get dinner on the table on Thursday night, after a busy day with work and taking the grandkids to swim lessons. Maybe you’d like to try some new vegetables as part of a plant-based diet, but aren’t sure how to prepare them.

The good news is, there is a new resource available to help you cut through the noise and get directly to the information and guidance you need to choose and prepare fresh, healthy meals… all with 1:1 virtual visits from the comfort of your living room, office or car.

What is Telenutrition?

You may have heard of telehealth or even done a video visit with your doctor or nurse. Similarly, Telenutrition allows you to consult with a qualified nutrition professional using your laptop or smartphone. It’s much more convenient than having to drive in and wait for an in-person appointment, which may help more people to access nutrition services.

Kroger Health’s registered dietitians take a holistic approach, considering your unique relationship with food, lifestyle, ability, and desire to cook, health goals, and more. They offer a personalized approach that simplifies complex nutrition science into actionable information appropriate and relevant to your specific needs. Topics covered include:

  • Easy food swaps, delicious recipes and meal ideas that work with a busy schedule
  • Cooking basics and how to prepare unfamiliar foods
  • Understanding nutrition needs and choosing the best foods to prevent and manage specific medical conditions
  • Creating a nutritious grocery list that fits cultural needs, food allergies or intolerances, and taste preferences
  • Tips for feeding your family nourishing food while sticking to a budget

PCF is proud to collaborate with Kroger Health for their Telenutrition service. It’s available in nearly all U.S states, and you don’t have to live near a Kroger store to participate.

Read about the program here.
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Ready to make an appointment? Click here.