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Sofrito: Summer’s Versatile Sauce

July 16, 2021

Sofrito is a tomato-based sauce that is used as a base in cooking in many cultures. The lycopene in cooked tomatoes may act as a protective antioxidant. Garlic and onion, as Allium vegetables, contain organosulfur compounds whose potential anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and cardiovascular health benefits are under study. Add that to the latest research on olive oil and you’ve got a great cancer-fighting food.

In many regions, tomatoes are in season—so now’s the time to enjoy them at their peak of freshness and nutritional value. (Read more on the benefits of seasonal eating here.) If you’ve got freezer space, make some extra sofrito now, freeze it, and use it to liven up your meals during cooler times. The basic recipe is easy to multiply. You can also modify it depending on the ingredients you have on hand and your preferences – use green pepper instead of red, up the garlic if you love a stronger flavor, add hot pepper for a kick.

Sofrito is a delicious accompaniment to many summer dishes. Spoon it over grilled salmon and vegetables, use it as a sauce over whole-grain pasta, mix it with beans for a flavorful soup, or use as a dip for raw veggies.