Destiny W.

Destiny W.
About Destiny W.

In our family there is my father, mother, older brother and myself. We had an idea something was up early summer of 2018 but my parents traveled between my brother and I to visit. My father was diagnosed July 2018 with prostate cancer and September 2018 he went into surgery to remove his prostate. He has struggled since the surgery. He’s always been a family man, providing for his kids and wife. As soon as he had the surgery I have noticed my father slip into depression. With my brother active duty military as well as my husband, we are all stationed in different locations. With us being away from dad he has been easily shaken with being sick and facing potential facts of death. December 2018, right before Christmas, the doctors called to say that the PSA levels were higher than they should be. With holidays around the corner, I could see my dad heavily sinking into darkness with the looming idea that the cancer returned after he had already “given up” his man-hood. Radiation is what is on the table now to help him and we are waiting between doctors appointments to know what the next step will be. I wish I were closer to my dad to help him through this. We talk often but being 16 hours away can be difficult on a family that is trying to stay positive.

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