Dr. Bischoff

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About Dr. Bischoff

Dr. Bishoff is my husband’s surgeon. My husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer about two weeks ago. He has treated both of us with such care and support, we were immediately put at ease during this difficult time. He asked about any other health issues my husband was having. He went the extra mile and looked into this other health issue unrelated to the cancer. He called us back later that day with an answer to the other health concern. Also, while I was waiting in the surgical waiting room, after my husband’s surgery, he brought the cute elderly assistant, running the waiting room, a banana split. He also thanked her for all she does to help support the surgery department. She had mentioned it earlier in the week when he asked her if she needed anything! What an excellent physician that truly loves people and patients!! What a great comfort it is to me knowing that this kind doctor is taking care of my husband! Thank you Dr. Bishoff!!

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