Jennifer S.

Jennifer S.
About Jennifer S.

In June of 2018 my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It was scary, knowing that someone as strong and active as my dad, could be diagnosed with cancer. My dad is my best friend and I was not going to let him endure this journey on his own. I went to every single doctor visit, biopsy, follow up, and information session with him. The day of the surgery, we woke up at 1am, drove to Orlando where the surgery was being performed, and got there at 5am. Two grueling hours I waited, and I finally got the call that my dad was out of surgery. I was ecstatic. Two more hours went by, and I could finally see him. It was the hardest day of my life, seeing my dad so weak from the anesthesia and surgery. I didn’t leave his side though. I fed him ice chips when his mouth got dry, helped him walk around the hospital, and drained his catheter when it looked like it was backing up. The next day, my superman came back. He had recovered so fast and was doing better than I ever could have imagined. My birthday was a few days later, and I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better birthday gift, than the health and wellness of my best friend, my dad.

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