Jim M.

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About Jim M.

My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in September 2016. At that time it was already stage 3 Gleason 9 which put us both in a tailspun since he is very healthy and had no obvious signs and was in his 50s. Surgery was performed and we spend New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day in the hospital. He came home and was out of work approximately 8 weeks due to his weight restrictions he was unable to work. During this time you really reevaluate your life and your relationship especially after the doctor told us that many wives will divorce their husbands after this diagnosis because it does change your relationship. I remember looking at my husband and telling him “don’t worry I’m not going to leave you”. We’ve been married for over 30 years and we have had a lot of ups and a lot of downs but this is going to be a down that we’re going to do together. But a diagnosis like this does make you reevaluate your life and realize that we’re only given today. Luckily my caregiver duties have not been to strenuous other than to worry about his diet and exercise so that I can keep him around for a while. We currently are eating seeking alternative treatment along with hormone therapy to try and give him Health and Longevity.

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