Joan V.

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About Joan V.

The father of my children was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 10 years ago. We have 2 daughters and a son, Preston. Dad, Patrick did well for 8 years and then things started getting funky. Patrick was against receiving any chemo therapy, he used alternate treatments and doctor shopped. In 2015 Patrick was in bad shape, Preston decided to move “home” to help his dad as much as he could and he took a job locally. Patrick was never easy on his children, he was demanding. That Winter Patrick had a difficult time. He needed to go to the hospital and then extended care. He didn’t want hospice cause he didn’t feel he was going to die. He received some hormone treatment and radiation and he bounced back, so to speak. The next 2 years were very challenging. Preston, under his dad’s direction built his dad’s wood fire kiln and loaded it with pots and they fired it. The Summer of 2017 Patrick was declining, his leg was swollen and could barely walk. Preston hung in there. In October Patrick decided he should go to Chiapas a alternative treatment center in Mexico. Patrick was able to walk onto the plane and Daughter Sarina went with him. After a week she came home and Preston went. After getting there Patrick declined and could not walk and could not do the treatment that he was there for. After 4 weeks Patrick was in bad shape and Preston called us crying cause he didn’t know what to do. I told him he had to take charge! Insist that his father return to the US for medical care and this was done. When Patrick got to the hospital the doctors suggested Patrick might not leave alive and to summon his family. Patrick did not want to die in California. Preston rented an RV, summoned friends of Patricks; a nurse and friend who could help Preston drive. They were back in MT in22 hours. Patrick spent time in the hospital then extended care and to go home and die he accepted hospice. Preston was his main caregiver. People came in and helped so Preston could rest but he was available to help with his father’s needs when ever the care attendant needed help. He was the one who knew what his dad needed and how to take care of him. Patrick was home about a month when he passes away peacefully at home with Preston and his sister present.

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