Joe V.

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About Joe V.

For four and a half years, since I was diagnosed with advanced PC my wife has stood by me. Thirteen years my junior ( I am 68 ) to every hospital and doctors appointments, my wife has been there.

Believe me it’s a fair old journey, so many scans ( I’ve had three the last two months ) and blood tests. When we see the oncologist or nurse, my wife always sheds a few tears. My wife has spent many hours in the waiting rooms, always worrying what the scans may reveal. I am hardly allowed to lift anything, hard for me as I worked in maintenance. Even while working my wife came to all appointments, up to to the point she had to leave work to look after me. Twice hospitalized while I had PC the first I had sepsis, my wife was there every day, phoning me at night after she left for as long as possible. The second time I was hospitalized I had kidney stones, my pain was unbearable all my wife could do was sit with me, I could see the strain it was having, but although she could not do anything, my wife never left my side.

Twenty hours never moving from my side till I was put in a ward, then every day twice a day she would see me, as we have no car it was either walk or taxi. Now any twinge I have my wife is there stressing it might be something serious as I have a fair few other problems latest being type two diabetes. I love my wife to bits over thirty five years we have been together, we have a saying me and you just us two. My wife is my carer and is a perfect candidate for this award.

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