Nancy D.

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About Nancy D.

Today we said goodbye to my sweet mother-in-law, Erna Edwards. Miss Erna was diagnosed with cancer in April of 2017. Once she found out the extent of her cancer, she chose no treatment, except to spend as much time as possible with the family she dearly loved. During this entire period, Nancy, Erna’s daughter, never left her side. If Nancy was not at work, she was at home looking after her mother. During the last 2 weeks, Nancy slept in a bed next to her Moms hospital bed. Miss Erna came close to dying, a couple of times, but she would bounce back a little weaker than before. You see, Miss Erna, could not leave this earth until she was sure that Nancy would be alright without her. Finally, Nancy, not wanting to see her mother struggling, broke down and told her mother that everything would be alright and she could go on home. So on Sunday morning Miss Erna asked for her shoes and her jacket. When we asked why she needed her shoes and jacket, she smiled her sweet smile and said she was ready to go home.

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