Yolanda J.

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About Yolanda J.

My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer October 2018. After 3 prior bouts with cancer due to lynch syndrome we never expected to have to deal with prostate cancer. The prostate cancer was not connected to lynch and was a surprise to his doctors. Our lives consist of doctors appointments, hospital stays, tons of meds, radiation and now hormone treatment. Cancer affects an entire family. Our children are always on alert when it comes to their father. I try to be there for every appointment and I try my best to be a supportive wife and mother. At times I feel overwhelmed, scared, anxious, unsure but I know every day is a gift and I am thankful for all the love and support we get from our family and friends. Every day I get up and remember that there’s always someone who may have it worse and I never forget that my husband has fought this battle 4 times so we fight it with him and trust that God has him in His hands.

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